These steps protect you from injuries when riding

These steps protect you from injuries when riding

Horse riding is one of the most popular sports in our Arab homeland in general and the Arabian Gulf in particular. Since ancient times, our early ancestors in the Arabian Peninsula have been interested in breeding these gentle beings, a symbol that the Gulf people are proud of.

But like every sport, the sport has a lot of risk of paralysis or death, so this report gives you some advice to follow in order to reduce the chances of injury.

Wear the appropriate helmet
The helmet is one of the most important protection tools. It is responsible for protecting the head and maintaining the integrity of the brain so that you do not get a violent concussion in the brain. Horseback riding can damage you rather than protect you.
2 - Wear appropriate clothing
Next to the helmet, make sure you wear long leather boots that protect your legs and feet from scratches, as well as long pants that cover the entire lower part of your body. Falling event.
3- Soft bridle
Do not make sure that the piece that is placed in the horse's mouth is not harsh and does not cause him pain so that you can control it and so that the horse does not hurt whenever you pull the bridle and therefore you will lose control and exposed to injury.
4 - Always ankles down
Make sure you put your heels in the right way.You should have your heels slightly tilted down so that your feet are not trapped in the metal piece to put the feet in case of falling.This will expose you to very serious injuries.Failure to remove your feet from the footrest while riding is more dangerous than Falling off the top of the horse.
5. Make sure the saddle is positioned before riding
You should make sure that the saddle is stable on the back of the horse because it is the most important safety tool at all. The slightest flaws in this piece will cause you to fall down so you should make sure that the laces are positioned and whether they are too wide or too tight to cause pain to the horse.
Check the health status of the horse
Before riding you should feel the horse's body with your own hands.If you feel the horse is acting strangely, ask your veterinarian for help.
7 - buy some shoes for horses
These shoes help to keep your horse's feet healthy and avoid some symptoms from walking on difficult or unpaved roads.

8. Welfare of the horse
If you feel that the horse is suffering from nervousness, grab it and feel it with tenderness and gave him some food and it is OK to do a tour you walk together before you calm down and get rid of his bad mood.
9. Stop immediately in this case.
If your horse is nervous because another horse is passing by or for any reason, all you have to do is stop right away, wait for the horse to calm down and then move again.
10 - do not lose control of the horse
If your horse does not listen to the orders you give, you should gently press his stomach to pay attention to you and control him.

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